Springhills Fish
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Springhills Fish
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river biologist taking samples at fish farm

Does fish farming impact local rivers?

We recently invited biologists to the farms to assure that we aren’t having any negative impacts on the surrounding rivers.

Here at Springhills, we borrow water from the environment to grow sustainable fish.

Our tanks are designed to settle out the solids and naturally filter the water before it enters local rivers.
We’re always trying to keep our environmental impact to a minimum, and so we do monthly testing of our water and annual testing of the rivers! Most of it is voluntary!

The team from Fleming College’s Centre for Innovative Aquaculture Production heads out into the river and takes five samples before each farm and five samples after.

They’re looking at macroinvertebrates, which are small insects, snails, worms, crayfish and clams (we call them river critters!). These critters are vital parts of the food web.

The biologists are making sure the community of critters after the farm is just as flourishing and diverse as those. Good diversity and lots of critters means a healthy river.

The good news is we passed with flying colours — or should we say plenty of flying AND swimming colours!
